• Post last modified:2022年5月24日
  • Post category:covid-19
You are currently viewing ストュー・ピーターズショーでブライアン・アーディスが激白、コロナの隠された真実後半



リチャード・バートレット博士(Dr. Richard Bartlett)やタウ・ブラウン博士(Dr.Tau Braun)など、幾人かの博士らの研究により発信されています。陰謀論では片付けられない状況になりつつあります。一刻も早くコロナやワクチン後遺症に悩まされている方々が最善な治療法に辿り着き、回復へ向かわれることを願います。


①ランブルだけで300万人もの人が “Watch the water “(水を監視しろ)を視聴しています。他のプラットフォームでも数百万人が視聴し、さらに数千人が毎時間チャンネルを合わせています。まさに指数関数的に爆発しています。そこで質問ですが、もしコロナの真実が隠蔽されているとしたら、その責任は誰にあるのでしょうか?誰を追いかけ何を問うべきなのか?



あなたは本当はスターになりたかったわけではないのですが、ドキュメンタリー(Watch the water)の公開後、あなたにとってどのような影響があったか知りたいのです。

③Dr.Bryan: ストュー、ミネソタで初めてあなたと話をしたとき、あなたの経歴からセキュリティを考慮し、私は本当にこの重大で強烈な心配と不安を感じました、これは私にとって非常に問題になりそうだと。









誰も見ていなかったレンズで見てみると 神が私に見るように指示したのだと思います。もしあなたも見るなら、ただ見るなら、毒殺と呼ばれる蛇毒のレンズを通して見るなら、私が見ているすべてを裏づける研究、調査で答えが出ていないものはなく、コロナに関連して奨励されているものに対して嫌悪感を抱くのです。
















⑫ある日、ガラガラヘビに噛まれたら、病院に行って抗毒素をもらうか?というメールを私に送ってきたのは、リチャード・バートレット博士(Dr. Richard Bartlett)でした。






























(Drew Wiseman、 Katalan Karrico)です。







㉙哺乳類の組織である人体は、動物の毒に含まれるペプチドがもたらす破砕作用によって、さまざまな形で破壊されるんです。ですから、もしあなたの体がこのようなものを長期間にわたって複製していたら 血管の膜が破れ、出血し、脳動脈瘤ができる可能性があります。スパイク蛋白を破砕し続けるのです。


㉛フランスでは2020年4月、ビン・ルー博士(Dr.Bing Liu)が殺害される直前に、コロナのスパイクタンパク質が、中国のクレート蛇毒とキングコブラ毒と最も近い遺伝子配列を持つことを発見しています。









㊱Dr.Bryan:ああ、もちろんてす。というのも、私はピーター・マッカロ( Peter McCullough)が全米で行ってきたことを絶大に支持し、信頼し、尊敬しているんです。



ジョー・ローガン(Joe Rogan)の番組でも、彼はそのことをとてもオープンに話していましたし、私たちもその都度学んでいきました。















㊸彼らは毒蛇が毒腺で作ることがわかっている19種類の中から選んで作ったんです。そして彼らは直接 特定の臓器をターゲットにしています。







神経学的疾患を持つ人はそれらの炎症細胞をターゲットにして 癌、腫瘍、アルツハイマー病、プリオン病などにつながる神経成長因子を引き起こし加速させることができます。






①Host Three million people have viewed” Watch the water” on Rumble alone. Millions others watched on other platforms and thousands more are tuning in every hour. The thing is just exponentially exploding. So, the question is, what now, if the truth about covid is being covered up, who’s responsible for it? Who can we go after? What should we be asking? 

②Our elected officials to do selected representative for those out there, who wants to push the story along,

where should they be looking? 

What should they be digging into? 

There’s nobody better to ask all these questions to than the star of the water himself. Dr. Brian Ardis who joins us now.You didn’t really want to be a star

I know that briefly, I just want to know how fallout has been for you since the release of the documentary?

③Dr.Bryan Ardis: Stew, when I came in to talk to you the first time in Minnesota, considering security, because of your background is what I wanted. I really felt this grave intense worry and anxiety I’ve never felt in my life that this was going to be very problematic for me. 

And I did worry about the fallout and what I really worried about was I wanted people who have wanted to listen to me and have asked me to speak for them, to their audiences who have consistently done that for two years. I didn’t want to burn any trust in them that they had in me. 

④I also didn’t want any colleagues who have been saving lives these entire two years who have been motivating me to want to all of a sudden defame me, badmouth me, or even take for a second. 

The idea and projected anywhere, not to trust me that my intentions are bad. 

And so, I worried so much about that because I really did only I believe. I was directed by God. 

➄I believe to actually go find this information and then I’ve know in my heart of hearts. I was told multiple times by God to make sure the world knows this. It’s so great I told you.

It doesn’t matter what happens to me, doesn’t matter what they say about me. What has come to light for me, is over four months, almost anything that has appeared complex mysterious in relation to covid-19 infections, any of their long-term side effects.

⑥Any of the side effects of The mRNA shots, the incredibly toxic effects of Remdesivir.

If you look at it with the lens that no one was looking at that I believe God directed to me to go look at. If you look,  just look and look at it through a lens of snake venom poisoning called envenomation, there hasn’t been anything that hasn’t been answered in research, studies, to back up everything I’m seeing and be disgusted by  being encouraged in relation to covid-19. 

⑦Stew:So, there are also some questions that we’ve been getting a lot of and I want to get to some of those here because I know that we’re limited of time. 

So if it’s in the water, why aren’t kids reacting? And I asked you, this during our sit down, it’s not in the original film. It’ll be in the extended version, which I believe that they’re working on right now. Because as the editor said, he wanted to make sure that everything that was in the original documentary was able to be fact-checked. He went through and dug up all that research. So why are kids largely not being affected by snake venom? 

⑧Dr.Bryan:This is a great question. And one of the things that is one of the gaps that have been filled since you released the actual film, the very first nights I woke up the next morning after you release this, and they were text messages to my phone of research documents that were now concluding for people and bringing logic, and understanding to something that was perplexing to them.

⑨And it was this whole time for two years. Why does Sars Cov2, if it’s so infectious and deadly, why’s it not affect kids as much as adults? I had no idea what I was about to learn even just yesterday morning. 

Did you know? I didn’t know this. Did you know that by Nature, children actually release and have in their bloodstream more, melatonin, a hormone than adults?

⑩Stwe: I had only just recently learned that yesterday myself. 

Dr.Bryan:I didn’t know that. I did not know and these research studies kept flying into me, that melatonin the hormone is inhibitory to snake venom peptides or snake venom in general. And I did not know those research studies existed. But they do, this was another thing that allowed people, your documentary allowed people to go look and see, is it possibly related to this query and question I’ve had for the last two years, it never made sense, can it make sense here? Also, since I actually sat in the studio, people have been texting me. Oh my god. I’ve looked up snake venom and the side effects of losing hair. 

⑪And it’s there. This is a weird side effect to a virus you’ve been told. That is actually fits back right into something that I’ve uncovered unearth and it wasn’t me that did it. I want the world to know who actually sent me the text. I asked this doctor after he saw the documentary if it’s okay for me to let the world know who it was.

⑫It was Dr. Richard Bartlett, who sent me the text about if a rattlesnake did bite and would you go to a hospital and get Anti-Venom? This has been an incredible journey since that man was inspired to send me that text, that he knew would drive me to look at possibly, doctor Ardis, would you trust monoclonal antibodies? Because you’ve been talking about monoclonal antibodies. And the truth is, I had to admit to myself that I was wrong. 

⑬I had done interviews about why I was negative about monoclonal antibodies and I was wrong about that. 

Because they work and then they tried to strip it from all the doctors in it because it works against covid. It also works against snake venom. 

⑭Stew:The first sign that it’s good should have been when this regime, this Administration started pulling it from everywhere and banning it and making it nearly impossible to get. What About Pets? What about livestock, these animals drinking this water? 

⑮Dr.Bryan:Yeah, so if it’s affects mammal which is human, it’s going to affect animals. They’re already just so, you know, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife have a foundation and they actually have been funding covid-19 PCR testing of deer, for example, in Staten Island and finding positive cases of covid-19. Imagine what it’s easier now listen. 

⑯Deer aren’t drinking the tap water though, but my dogs are drinking tap water.The cows, the pigs and the chickens that are raised on farms. They’re drinking tap water. So I can’t explain the deer thing that would suggest that it’s viral and that it’s being transmitted in the wild. But what about our pets? And what about this livestock? Should people be worried that they’re eating envenomated food or that their pet could be potentially experiencing the side effects to this. 

⑰Dr.Bryan:Yeah, I think we should try to do this, I think you and I both agree that we have actually brought this to light not to create more fear and panic to try to reduce it.


Dr.Bryan:You have to understand no matter if we’re right and absolutely certain that the weapons are in the water and that’s how they’re using it. 

⑱You have to understand, this has been a sub-lethal poisoning.In The majority of people are not dying from the weapon. I mean, you dilute anything in the water or in the air.

It’s going to become less lethal than injecting it into your body, like the shots, like Remdesivir is another thing.

 It’s not that dangerous. And they use animals to make anti-venom. 

⑲They inject them with snake venom and then draw out the antibodies. There’s probably mechanisms. I’m not a veterinarian. There’s probably mechanisms in animals that actually are wild and now domesticated. They may have enzymes and properties in their body that protect them against snakes.

Horses do. Maybe goats do, maybe chickens do. I have no idea, but maybe, maybe.

⑳Stew: What about the shedding? The transmission? What are these people shedding? And how does the venom theory match up to the spike protein findings? 

Dr.Bryan:That’s great. So in France in April of 2020, it was determined by geneticists that the spike protein on Sars covid 2 and they genetically sequenced it. It was most similar to Crate Venom and King cobra Venom, the spike protein. 

㉑Now, if you happen to get venom inside your body, your body’s going to try to get rid of it. Not any different than a virus. 

Not any different than a bacterial infection. If you got anything into your body that was poisonous, toxic including Venom, your body’s going to do four things if you’re male. 5 things if you’re a female to shedded out of your body and to the degree, you have more poison or Venom than others, you’re going to shed more Venom or poison to others. 

㉒You do this in these ways, you’re going to get a fever and you’re going to sweat it out or you’re gonna get diarrhea, you’re going to poop it out and then you’re going to find it in the water or not. Or you’re gonna get peed out, find it in the water. Or you’re going to cough it out in the form of droplets, coughing sneezing hacking and yes, in venom be distributed in air.

㉓Of course, it can.There’s even cobras that spit in the air into their creatures, get it into their eyes. So yes, it could be exposed through shedding. 

Women have a fifth way they shed poisons and toxins which would help to explain some of the symptoms seen with heavy menstrual flow. Children, adults, and others. 

㉔I mean imagine if there’s a breastfeeding mother who’s got the mRNA shots and let’s just say my assumption is, there’s actually snake venom phosphodiesterase in those shots that the two people that co-created have been using since 2009 to cleave and cut RNA and DNA to do gene therapy. Drew Wiseman, Katalan Karrico. 

㉕This is what they’ve used snake venom phosphodiesterase to make mRNA Shots. If that’s what’s in there and the mom gets the shots as a child they’re breastfeeding, you don’t think that stuff again the breast milk going to your baby and it would look like shedding. Of course, it would. That’s what happened. 

㉖Stew:So, what about the reduction of thisl Spike protein? They just keep multiplying billions of times in your body and the theory that what about the long term, you know, if you get bit by a snake, does it eventually go away if it’s in your bloodstream? Is this going to really be a long term problem for people who have been injected with this stuff?

㉗Dr.Bryan:Everyone who has shared a stage with me educating anybody, warning anybody the concern has been all along that the mRNA of what’s in those shots is getting into our DNA and then our bodies are going to become a factory for replicating new cells of the spike Protein that’s getting inserted into our DNA. 

I’m telling you the spiked protein in France, April 2020 was identified as Cobra toxin or Krait toxin genetically. That’s a sequence. 

㉘And if you’re injecting Cobra venom or Cobra toxin or Krait toxin as a spike protein into your DNA, your body’s going to replicate whatever that Gene sequence was called a spike protein, call it snake venom peptides that matter, your body’s going to start now making it. 

㉙Well, the human body, which is a mammalian tissue, gets destroyed in multiple ways by these shredding effects of peptides found in animal venoms. So if your body’s replicating this stuff over time. It’s going to shred the membranes of your blood vessels and you’re going to hemorrhage possibly and develop Strokes aneurysms. It’s going to continue to shred Spike proteins. 

㉚You can lose your baby have a miscarriage. Yes, it attacks the placental attachment to the uterus wall during pregnancy. It can also get into your ovaries. We already know it’s doing this. We already know the design of the actual mRNA shots is to get your body to generate and create Spike proteins.

㉛In France,April, 2020 right before Dr.Bing Liu was murdered, they found that the spike protein on SARS covid 2 had the closest genetic sequence identical to Chinese Krait snake venom and King cobra Venom. And if the work that the two scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have been doing for the last at least 13 years, which has been getting mRNA into DNA. 

㉜That’s been all they’ve been doing and they’re using snake venom peptides to do that or snake venom Phosphodiesterase to do that. 

You might want to go look and see if it’s possible that there’s snake venom properties in these, your body’s going to be generating these peptides that we know are destructive in the human body to lead to neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s prion diseases, venom does that.

㉝I mean imagine if you’re generating this, I don’t know why this is any more scarier than a spike protein that we know is.The Salk Institute damages 28 tissues in your body all by itself without being tied to the virus, the scientists and researchers in April of 2020, figured out the spike protein was actually genetically sequenced almost identical to three things. 

㉞King Cobra venom, Krait venom and then Rabies virus. We’re trying to let, why would we want to generate rabies virus Spike proteins? I wouldn’t want to do that either. 


Stew:Let’s talk about  immunity a little bit. If I come down with covid, right? Which we all know is fake. We know that it’s man-made and now we believe it to be envenomations. 

㉟Speak to the immunity part of this because a lot of people have been told if you get it once, you cannot contract it again. I got sick, I have not been sick since. 

So can you speak to the immunity part of it? 

㊱Dr.Bryan:Oh, absolutely. So this really did solve one of those questions for me too because listen, I’d love and trust and honor what Peter McCullough has been doing all over the country. 

There was a period just like me or I learned monoclonal antibodies. I was wrong about what Peter McCullough used to say, you can get covid-19,You can’t get it again. Then he realized. Oh my God, you can, and then he’s been very open about that even on the Joe Rogan show and we were learning as we were going.

㊲But just so, you know, if you view it as an envenomation, as the way that I’m exposing this to the world for all of you to just take a look. The next question would be if you got bit by a snake and you had any complications as a result, but what if you got bit by a snake again, are you going to have a reaction to it? 

㊳There are some scientists who actually have suggested and with animals and with humans actually done snake venom envenomation test and done, low-dose Venom testing to see if you can make somebody immune in the future kind of like food allergy testing environmental allergy testing will give you a little bits of the allergen to help your body build it immunity.

㊴So I just want you to know if you got a toxin in your body or an infection. Yes, you can get it more than once. Even in the realm of coronavirus, that they call the common cold virus, I used to say it all the time. I’ll say now, even if it’s just a virus, even if it really is a coronavirus, if you got a cold one time in your life, does that mean you’re never going to get a cold again? Of course No, no, of course not. 

㊵So that isn’t true about coronavirus in general. It doesn’t even make sense. Yes, you can get them again. Yes, there could be a variantation of that or they could be poison to you all together. The study I supplied to your filmmakers, which I actually personally was shocked by, was in there. And that’s okay, because I’ve been able to share it since and you will too. I promise on our follow-ups. 

㊶In Italy, October 2021  peer-reviewed published article, they found 36 different animal venom peptides in only the group of people in multiple cities in Italy who had tested positive for Covid-19. 

And they’ve control group that they did PCR testing for and they were negative, they didn’t find a single one of an animal, venom peptide from snakes and snails in the negative tested person.

㊷In the 20 who did test PCR positive for covid-19., they found in their blood urine and in their poop, 36 different, toxic venom, peptides from king cobra snakes spitting cobras Krates, Vipers, Galore. Then they found 20 of the 36 they found belong to snake venom different peptides. 

And yes, they all behave differently in your body. One of the things we discussed in the interview with you was the peptides themselves. 

㊸They have selected from the 19 they know that vipers make in their venom glands. They directly Target specific organs. 

They know this researchers do, they’ve been able to isolate these. Yes. They can synthetically make venom in Labs. 

CNN was even reporting it in January of 2020. They’ve been doing it since 1989. I’m aware of it.

㊹ In mass quantities, they could do this. You don’t need snakes to do it. All right, so they found these peptides are specifically targeting organs. 

I guarantee you they have said from the beginning, everybody CDC included that those people with comorbidities have the highest risk of hospitalization and death from covid. 

17:00㊺These Peptides from snake venom can be isolated the ones that Target the pancreas and diabetes. The ones that isolate target just heart tissue and heart disease patients, those who have neurological disease that can target those inflammatory cells to cause and accelerate nerve growth factor leading to cancers, tumors, Alzheimer’s, prion diseases you name it. 

㊻These peptides are specific. I am not a snake venom expert, but there’s enough research I’ve seen over the last four months that has been covered since 1956. I have covered thousands of documents.

I am much more of an expert now than I was about Venom right now. 

It is shocking to them. It was shocking to me for the last four months every hour. 

㊼Please give yourself some time to just look at the fact that might be possible, and spend four months doing it before you decide to bad-mouth me. That there’s some conspiracy thing, just go look and see if your symptoms can be solved or resolved  but the things that inhibited venom.