• Post last modified:2022年5月24日
  • Post category:covid-19
You are currently viewing ストュー・ピーターズショーでブライアン・アーディスが激白、コロナの隠された真実後半

今回は前回に続き2022年4月13日のストュー・ピーターズショーのDr.Bryan Ardisのインタビュー後半を翻訳しています。






㊽Stew:例えばの話を聞きたいんですが、この人の名前を出すのは、それが私の仕事だからなんですが、ウルソ(Dr.Urso)医師はあちこちで、私の信用を落とそうとしていました。 彼は、私達がこのドキュメンタリー『水を見ろ』(Watch the water)を放映したことで私を偽薬のセールスマンと呼び、さらに蛇毒を合成で複製することはできないと主張したのです。



































64、もしそれが、あなたが飲んでいる水源水に再循環しているとしたら、どうでしょう?あなたの排水が水源水になるのです。ウンコやバクテリアはろ過されるけど コロナという生物兵器をろ過しているかどうかは分かりません。将来、あなたの町で発生する可能性があるため、水質検査をしているとでも言うのでしょうか。 






CDC.govのWastewater surveillance(排水の監視)と呼ばれるものです。(24:50~)



67、CDC 排水監視とは、CDCが水を監視しているということです。









この生物兵器で特にターゲットにされたのは 病気の人、病気のお年寄り、そして子どもやネイティブ・アメリカンを狙ったものです。






とにかく、これは素晴らしい観察結果です。すみません。ストュー の質問は何でしたか?


Dr.Bryan:水から蛇毒を出すことですね。実はこれ、私も長いこと疑問に思っていたんです。昨日、マイク・アダムス(Mike Adams)のインタビューが行われたんですが。


















78、Dr.Bryan:それとちょうど、マイク・アダムス(Mike Adams)が昨日すでにギリアド(Gilead)にメールを送っていて、研究所に独立したテストを受けさせるようにと言っているんです。






80、ライアン・コール博士(dr.Ryan Cole)のような病理学者に提供された組織サンプルを見てみると、スライドの下に、微小な血液凝固の組織サンプルがあったのです。





83、Stew: ああ、それで最初に選ばれたアメリカの代表はどこなんだ?








(Pfizer, BlackRock, Vanguard, the Rothschilds banking systems, the Rockefellers, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Warren Buffett)







87、Dr.Bryan: Stew, I love you. これだけは言っておきたいんだけど、








彼の名前はドクター・タウ・ブラウン(Dr.Tau Braun)です。


Stew:ブライアン・アーディス博士、 本当にありがとうございました。神の祝福を。感謝しています。

Dr.Bryan: こちらこそ、ありがとうございました。地球上のすべての人に神の祝福がありますように。


㊽Stew: I gotta ask you for example, I’m going to name him because that’s what we do. Doctor Urso was all over the place and he was trying to discredit me, trying to discredit the he called me a snake oil salesman for airing this documentary and then made the claim that you can’t synthetically replicate Venom. 

㊾I just went to Amazon and found hundreds of them. You can buy synthetic Venom products all over the place. Why would this Jesuit trained doctor? An eye doctor turned plastic surgeon is out here, just lying on Twitter and telling people quote, don’t watch the water and saying that this whole thing is snake oil and that it’s a sham and trying to discredit me there by you and this whole Theory.

㊿Dr.Bryan:Yeah, it’s going to be the interesting. I worried about the fallout from this, from the people that I trust and love and I have, and I do, and Richard Ursa hasn’t said anything personally to me yet, but he’s been a dear friend actually during the last four months. I’ve actually approached. Dr. Ursa to help me, get vaccines covid-19 vaccines, so I could test out my theory. 

51☆He hasn’t been able to do that. He told me that  he thought he could but he’s never been able to deliver on that. And I just want you to know that it doesn’t matter to me. I don’t know all of his background. I don’t know if there’s his Jesuit connection or training. I don’t know this stuff. 

52☆All I know is I was surprised that he reached out to you or voiced in the media not to play the documentary.I’m surprised. I just want you to know if I just said it right before you ask me. I know it’s going to be a hard thing to recognize. It was hard for me to conceive how anybody on the planet came out with a rule that you had to stand six feet apart. And then you had to wear a surgical mask that protects you from a respiratory virus that we all know it doesn’t do. 

We have heard a lot of crazy stuff. 

53☆I just want you to know it’s going to appear crazy because it’s the first time you’ve conceptualized even thought of the idea that venom could be the thing and Stew, you can attest to this from the moment you pushed out your telegram about the water in the source and that trusted source is me. 

The moment you pushed the commercial in the teaser, I told you that I even called you.

54☆Stew, The goal here is always to reduce fear and anxiety and panic. 

What I want everyone to know is that if you just look at what I’m trying to bring to the world this truth, that  if you look at Covid19 as an envenomation.

I believe we can stop the whole pandemic in any future variant in any future concern of how to treat these people. 

Because doctors around the world know how to treat venom. 

55☆They’ve had a hard time trying to figure out how to actually handle a virus. If you just treat it like venom from a venomous viper, snake bite, look at it like that and then go treat it. 

You will find your is as successful as you have been the whole time with the things you’ve been using corticosteroids work against venom budesonide which is corticosteroid works against venom hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Antimalarials are protective and inhibitory to venom. 

56☆I just didn’t ever know that Zinc is protective against the detrimental effects of snake venom that depletes zinc from your cells which causes death and disease. 

So that’s why, that’s protective.

NAC is protective against blood clots.

Go use them.Please recommend them. 

57Some medical doctors which I’m not, one will recommend aspirin which has a similar property as  NAC to reduce blood clotting effects which is a side effect of Sars-cov-2 which also is a side effect of a ton of Venom’s. 

58☆Stew:Well, I will say that I’ve been approached by a whole lot of nurses that have been nursing for a very long time, hundreds of them in my Telegram and then private messages and text messages from Associates to mine who work in emergency departments and have been placed in these quote covid units. Since the Inception of this pandemic, who all tell me everything that you said in that documentary now makes perfect sense. 59☆Everything that they see on the D-dimer, all of that stuff and they’re like, wow, if they’re just mind-blowing and they’re like, yes, this is absolutely I have no medical argument at all whatsoever to this. We have to keep in mind that there are a lot of doctors, especially in this alternative medicine treatment podcast, who have made millions of dollars over the last two years treating a virus. 

60☆They don’t want to see that go away.

I want to talk about the water. And I know that we only have a few minutes left here. So let’s just talk about the water. We’ve established that this is going to be a less than lethal dose. It’s going to be a diluted dose. It’s not going to be like what you’re going to find in the injections. 

61、The repeated injections,  the boost, or in the Remdesivir, which is really designed to kill and all that.

So in the water, do you know how it got into the water in a short two or three month time period globally around the world to infect this many people. 

62☆Dr.Bryan:Well, there’s been an orchestrated almost on time planned effort, obviously to look at water as a predictor and all countries for communities and every country around the world. 

They chose water to be the predictor for all communities to look for future outbreaks in your town. They’re looking at water as a predictor for outbreaks of Sars-cov-2 in multiple countries throughout the UK, throughout France, throughout Wales, throughout the United States, this whole time. 

63☆How is it getting there if it’s in the water and they’re finding it in the water? 

I hope they’re filtering it out of the water. But I’ve never seen anything on the CDC’s website about them talking about going to remove it out of the water. 

I’m not sure if it’s so dangerous in the water and you’re finding it there. 

64☆What if it’s recirculating back into our source water you do drink? Your waste water becomes Source water. They filter out the poop, the bacteria. I don’t know if they’re filtering out the SarsCov2 bio weapon that they’re testing in the water to be a predictor for future outbreaks iIn your town.  

65☆How did it get there? I’ve been suspicious. This is me. I threw it at you. You asked me, how are they doing this?

 I said, I actually think they’re doing it through the water. 

Hand drinking venom has an infection that has a disease process effect on you. 

Yes, there was a study done in 2015 with rats. They put Cobra Venom in water and had him drink it and go read what happened to them, was it much different than getting bit.

66☆So, do I question everything the CDC has done this entire time and what’s interesting is any pushback right now, you’re actually saying to me that you trust the CDC. Like all of a sudden and you have it this whole time, the CDC has been doing something with your water looking for Sarscov2 in your water. I just want to put it together. 

It’s called the CDC.gov Wastewater surveillance. 

67☆CDC Wastewater surveillance means watching the CDC’s watching the water.

Is that strange to say the bio weapons in the water?They’ve been looking for it there and predicting outbreaks from the water for the last 2years.

My weird suspicion is when I told you this I said, why would the CDC not let the public know that they were doing water testing for SARS cov 2  since January of 2020 and only letting the public know they were doing it in September of 2020.?

68☆I mean, that’s odd to me. Why don’t you let people know you were, they were looking at the water, why did they say,?why don’t they provide the data? It’s just an odd thing to me. I haven’t  trusted the CDC anything that they said this whole time.

69☆Stew:I don’t know why anybody would start. Yeah, so if it’s in the water,  that’s how it got in the water.Is there anything that you would think that people could do to neutralize it, to get it out of the water? So that their family can consume water without being envenomated?

70☆Dr.Bryan:Yeah, this was a question I had actually early on. I was wondering oh, I just want everybody to know. This is a Eugenics program. They were specifically targeted with these bio weapons. Those who are sick, ill elderly, and they.re going after the children or Native Americans. 

71☆Yeah. Also Native American they’re going after diabetics. Look it up. I didn’t even know this. I’ve said this for the last few weeks. They’re targeting Native Americans, Hispanics, and blacks more than anybody else.

Native Americans are dying percent per capita of a race in America, more than anybody else since the beginning of Covid

in most states. 

72☆ They are also the highest. I didn’t know this until the other day, the highest percentage race for diabetes in America. And this weapon, these peptides targeting diabetics. 

So, anyway, this is a great observation. I’m sorry. Stew. What was your question? 

73☆Stew:Getting it out of the water.

Dr.Bryan: Getting out of the water. I actually wondered about this for a long time. There was an interview done yesterday with Mike Adams. 

In this guy, go look at it on Friday on dot TV. He did an interview with the guy who specializes in chlorine dioxide.

I can’t believe it did a whole interview with Mike Adams Stew,  and he said that he’s got research to back that chlorine dioxide can neutralize and destroy all aspects of King Cobra Venom.

74☆A word is that.And even if you put it in water, it helps to destroy Venoms. Well, if that’s true, I didn’t do their research.

If it is true, chlorine dioxide works and then he did give some specification.

Mike Adams said to me later tha’ MMS and chlorine dioxide are not identical. 

So whatever that is, go and learn about Chlorine dioxide. Go watch the interview with Mike Adams.

75☆I did not know that but I would suspect that a few drops of chlorine dioxide and any water would be great. 

Dr.Bryan:All right, and then finally, I know that we got to run here.

Accountability. Okay, a call to action from you. If you were to say that now with this information, we should do anything, which obviously we have to do something. 

What do we specifically call for? What is your call to action for accountability? 

76☆Dr.Bryan:Great. Let’s see if I’m right. So this is what I said. I’ve actually tried to get Remdesivir  for four months. I’ve had doctors reach out to Gilead to try to get it, pharmacists to try to get it and they can’t get it for me.

So let’s call on the World to demand that we get Remdesivir from Gilead. 

Run it through some independent Labs. Just find out if I’m right.If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. If I’m right, every owner and executive at Gilead Sciences should be thrown in prison.

77☆Anthony Fauci for promoting it, should be thrown in prison. If it actually comes back that has any components related to the snake venom, which means it’s not really an antiviral. It’s really Venom.

Stew: That is a really quick thing that can be done too. That’s not like, well, that’s too difficult to do. No, No, that’s easy to do. It should be done. Okay next.

78☆Dr.Bryan: And just you know, Mike Adams already wrote emails to Gilead yesterday saying that he’s got the labs to be independently tested. 

Please provide us with samples and then they like to do a Q&A with him about those results. 

79☆We’ll see what they say.That’s out there. 

And then number two, I actually want and I do know there’s been autopsy tissue samples that have been saved from people who died from in hospitals being treated with Remdesivir and other Drugs. How about you test their tissue samples? And look for any of these, snake venom peptides or toxins, how about you just do that? And if it shows up positive, then ask yourself why In these people who died? Supposedly, from a virus in a hospital, why do they have snake venom In them? 

80、Or properties of snake venom that kills people and then go look at the tissue samples that have been supplied to pathologists like dr. Ryan Cole when he saw under the slide, tissue samples of micro blood clotting. 

This is a side effect of Venom from Vipers. These tissues should be evaluated. Those in bombers are taken out, blood samples send-off that coagulated blood looking for the destructive components of snake venom.

81☆And if it’s there, and they all got mRNA vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Biological e, who creates Corba Vax, that literally can’t read Cobra vax. All those manufacturers who have been selling and promoting them as antiviral preventives should all go to prison. 

82☆Stew:And audit the CDC as well.A full audit of the CDC immediately and much to ask.

Dr.Bryan:Shots, Mask helds mandates, all of you should go to jail. 

83☆Stew: Yeah, and where’s the first elected representative? It’s going to say, yeah, we need to investigate this Theory.

I have heard nothing but silence from every single person who has sworn an oath and who has come into office.

Whether elected or selected to represent their constituencies and to represent the America that the Americans and we can set a standard here, but not one,

nothing, not one peep from anybody in the United States Senate or in the United States Congress regarding a documentary that has been seen nearly three million times is exponentially growing as being viewed faster and faster.

84☆It’s spreading to every corner of this planet right now and not one comment from anybody in our elected government,

not one comment from anybody in the media.But we know why, because they’re all funded by Pfizer and BlackRock and Vanguard and the Rothschilds banking systems, and the Rockefellers and Klaus Schwab and George Soros and Warren Buffett. 

85☆These people are all corrupt. Wake up every single one of them. And dr. Brian Ardis, You are a hero. You have stuck your neck out. You have been the tip of the spear. You knew what was coming behind this. We talked about the massive amount of discrediting that was going to happen to you. The slanderous attacks that we’re going to happen from the media, from other doctors who’ve been enriching themselves based on fighting a virus that’s been faked the whole time. 

86☆And I commend you for that. I know what it’s like to be the leader, the lion out there. 

Every one to know  you have to yawn and you’re going to take chinks to your armor. And you’re going to have to just deal with the cuts and lick your wounds. I guess if you will, and I’m right there with you brother all the way. Thank you for your bravery. 

87☆Dr.Bryan: Stew,I love you. I’m going to say this,  I just have to throw this out there real quick. I’m not the only one. I’m okay, sticking my neck out. I believe it’s been a God driven thing to protect and prevent innocent deaths from occurring around the world and injuries. That’s the only reason why I’m doing it. 

88☆There is another guy though, who’s really wanting some attention. This guy was ignored like you’re saying, we’re being ignored by politicians, this guy wrote a letter to the FBI. 

89☆Only received, was a letter back saying received, thank you. 

But in June of 2021, there was a guy working in the U.S. Counter-terrorism who trained CIA and FBI agents. He sent the FBI letter saying,  Sars-cov-2 is not a virus. It’s an envenomation and he has been completely rejected. No one has talked to him. Go look at him, call them and do interviews with him. He’s got research for two years. 

90He says he’s got proof that they have been using snake venom peptides to cause the entire pandemic all along. 

His name is dr.Tau Braun. I am not the only one and he wants to be on a stage. Give it to him. 

Stew: Dr. Brian Ardis. God bless you. Thank you so much. We appreciate it. 

Dr.Bryan: I appreciate you too. God bless everybody on the planet.