• Post last modified:2022年5月31日
  • Post category:covid-19
You are currently viewing コロナの裏で取得されている蛇毒特許をカレン・キングストンが突き止める

今回は2022年4月19日にStewpeter’s showに出演した、カレン・キングストンのインタビューを翻訳しています。前回のブライアン・アーディス博士の蛇毒とコロナの相関研究に続き、元ファイザー職員カレン・キングストンが今度は特許を提示し、もはやコロナやワクチンに蛇毒やナノテクノロジーが使用されていることは誰にも否定できないものになっています。

その背後にバンガード社(Vanguard)や、ジオ・バックス社(Geo Vax)、アキュタス社(Acutus)が関わっている証拠も提示されています。




①コロナの初期には、コウモリからセンザンコウを経由して人間に伝染した証拠があると主張されていましたが、実のところ、もしまだその嘘を知りたいのなら、リアルアメリカズボイス(Real America’s voice)にチャンネルを合わせれば良い。今朝もそのくだらない話をしていましたが。全部でっち上げです。そして、コロナが実際に自然界から配列決定されたことがないという証拠がないことが判明したのです。












⑩ウイルスを作ると述べています。それで、アーディス博士(Dr.Bryan Ardis)が登場して 蛇毒とコロナウイルスに相関があるとする彼の研究について話し始めたんです。




Stew:その研究の発表目前に、ビン・リュー博士(Dr.Bing Lu)は何度も銃で撃たれて殺されたと言われています。










⑰そして、HIVの糖タンパク質120も発見されました。アメリカの人々や地元の市民は 私たちがウイルスの完全な配列やスパイクタンパク質の完全な配列を決定したことはないと言われていますが、それは嘘です。彼らは完全に配列決定しているのです。しかし、スパイクタンパク質は1つだけではありません。



⑱ このスパイクタンパク質は、mRNAから作られるのに、なぜ個別の特許を持っているのでしょうか?

この2つは同じものであるべきなのにです。この特許は、ファウチ(Anthony Fauchi)の下で働くNINIDのバーニー・グラハム(Barney Graham)と、モデルナの下で働くジェイソン・マクレラン(Jason McLellan)によって申請されたものです。(5:20)






















だから、遺伝子編集ができるのです。 ジョー・ローガンのインタビューの中で、マローン博士は、研究室にエイズとHIVを持つサルがいるから、それをmRNA技術で使おう、と言ったのはなぜですか?







Karen:ジオ・バックス(Geo Vax)という会社の社長が、アキュタス(Acutus)社からスパイクタンパク質の特許と、白血球のmRNA技術のライセンスを受けていました。








彼はGeo VaxのCEOです。バンガード社(Vanguard)が主体となっている持株会社です。












①In the early days of covid-19, they claimed to have evidence that the disease jumped from bats to humans via a pangolin. As a matter of fact, if you still want that lie, you can just tune into real America’s voice. They were talking about that crap this morning. Just making it up. It was all made up. And it turns out that there’s no evidence for that covid-19 has never in fact been sequenced from nature. 

②I just want to be clear about this. I want you to know what I just said. I want you to know what that really means. What I said is that the virus has never been isolated in real life. 

③In other words, you’ve been subjected to lockdowns and the loss of your business and the distance learning, and the masks, and the shots, and the clots, and the loss of your job, and your family members, and your loved ones, and you’ve been stripped of your freedoms, all in the name of something that’s so dangerous and so contagious, that nobody can actually even prove that it really even exists. 

④Karen Kingston has been digging into the patents again. She says that she’s found more evidence to support a nexus between snakes and snake venom and covid-19, and she joins us now. What have you found? 

⑤Karen:Thanks for having me Stew. 

I’ve found a couple of alarming things. First, you know in regards to what you just mentioned, the full sequence of the virus has never been presented to us. 

They were told it’s never been fully isolated and fully sequenced. That’s not exactly true in regards to, it has been fully sequenced and they do get samples. I’m going to share with your viewers the study right out of Wuhan. 

⑥The first eight patients, who came down severely ill with covid who actually ate at the Wuhan market. And then another patient, who was staying at a hotel nearby and they sequenced from their lungs from the Airways and the alveoli of their lungs, they sequence the virus. 

⑦They couldn’t find a match among all of those patients, but what’s most alarming is we were told it jumped from a bat to a human and as you look at this sequence online right now on the screen, you can see where it came from bats from several areas of China, the sequences came from mice, from different areas of the world, including the United States. 

⑧The sequence came from different humans who had Middle Eastern viruses for a MERS from Saudi Arabia. 

⑨There’s also a hedgehog from Germany that’s part of the sequence. So it’s clearly not from nature was clearly made in the lab and these sequences  take up over a period of over a decade of when they’re tracing them and Ecohealth Alliance told us in their pitch to DARPA that they have over 180 samples or over 180 sequences of nearly 10,000 samples of different coronavirus.

⑩They’ve told us they were going to make the virus. So when dr. Ardis came on and started talking about his research that showed he believed that there was a correlation between snake venom and the coronavirus. 

⑪Remember back in 2020, researchers out of India said HIV seems to be in the spike protein and I started digging in 2020 looking for that data or early  2021 and long behold from the University of Pittsburgh, they sequenced the full Spike protein from samples, from 38 patients from Europe from early 2020. 

⑫And when the scientists at Pittsburgh sequenced the spike protein, what they were looking for was there looking for hyper binding hyper reactivity of the proteins that was causing this hyper inflammation. 

⑬The researchers at Pittsburgh did not believe the spike protein or the quote unquote coronavirus was causing what they’re calling, multi-system inflammatory syndrome.

⑭Stew: And that ended up Bing Liu dead shot a whole bunch of times in a apparent, murder-suicide were told. 

Karen:His name is not on this publication.

Stew:It doesn’t have to be, it doesn’t have to be. I know the truth doesn’t have to be there. But anyways, please continue. 

⑮Karen:Yeah, so they were looking for toxins because they look like these people were poisoned. It doesn’t look like they had a Coronavirus, which is also the cause of the common cold, right? 

So they say, when they sequence that part of the spike protein the pra, we’ve heard senators talk about the furin cleavage site. (4:12)

⑯That’s the missing host. And again your viewers can see straight through right  from the cell. This was published in the Lancet, a peer-reviewed journal. 

They sequenced some Cobra Venom, they found. They’ve found Krait venom in the sequence of the spike protein and they also found the Rabies virus which contains staphylococcal enterotoxin b which is a very disease causing type of bacteria. (4:33)

⑰And they also found HIV glycoprotein 120. So when American people, local citizens are being told we never fully sequenced the virus or fully sequence the spike protein. And that’s a lie. They have fully sequenced it. But it’s not just one spike protein. 

I have the patents for the spike protein.(4:58)

There’s seven different variations from different species in the spike protein. 

⑱Why does this spike protein have a separate patent if it is produced from the mRNA?

They should be combined one in the same. And in this patent, which was filed by Barney Graham from the NIAID who works for Fauci and Jason McLellan who works for Moderna. (5:20)

They report that this was filed in April 2019 yet Barney Graham and Jason McLellan didn’t have access to the sequence for the spike protein until January of 2020. 

⑲How did they file the patent for the spike protein eight months earlier and why are there 7 different sequences? If you take a look at the Pfizer biological license applications, it says, it’s the full sequence of Sars-Cov2 virus produced in Wuhan Institute of  biology spike protein.(5:43)

⑳Stew : The bioweapons lab in Wuhan China, by the way, where this was kimerical engineered and intentionally released. No pangolin, no bat,  no nonsense. Stop lying. We can be done with that game now, the truth is that this is a bioweapon and it was intentionally released to kill people. 

㉑Karen:Exactly. Let’s go back to those patents. Yes, there’s evidence that there is snake venom in the spike protein. There’s also evidence that this Spike protein can be made independent by being injected with mRNA.

㉒So in the patent, in the research that they explain is Graham and McClellan, they added the 2 prolenes to stabilize the spike protein which is made now that we know can be made of a snake venom, Krait venom, Rabies HIV glycoprotein.

They had 2 prolenes.

They are also exposed to liquid nitrogen to freeze it. Why were the vials kept at negative 60 degree celsius? 

㉓Why are there patents separate from the spike proteins?Why are the proteins called Sars-cov2 spike protein in the patent?

There’s one also called Wuhan Institute biology spike protein.

There’s also one called a Little Eastern Respiratory Syndrome spike protein, 

the first patent that they file.

㉔There’s also one that causes epidemic diarrhea in pigs. There’s also one that is shared between humans and cows. 

Why is this all in a separate patent?

And why is the patent explained, it’s like a lego piece and at the puron cleavage cycle, you can click in and click out whatever peptides and sequences you want to put in there essentially whatever poisons?

㉕And why in 2017, did the NIH filed a patent called vaccine nanotechnology?

And Section9 states that in some embodiment, the vaccine can deliver a molecule, a chemical weapon of biowarfare or toxin.(7:30)

㉖And why in the master patent for mRNA

the world patent for Moderna under section 0402 does states some embodiments, the vaccine can deliver a cytotoxin, a toxin that destroys and annihilate cells, which is what you’re seeing with the thrombosis causes damage to cells from both thrombosis and thrombocytopenia?

The patent statets the vaccines are bioweapons.(7:40)

㉗The spike protein is a man-made recreate of venom and HIV glycoprotein 120 envelope that allowed penetration into a nuclears,

so you can do genetic editing on people.

Why during the Joe Rogan interview, did Dr.Malone say, hey there are some monkeys in the lab that have AIDS and HIV, let’s put that in the mRNA technology.

Unless you wanted to use that part of the HIV to actually penetrate the nuclears, would you want to do it if you had gene editing technology?Wake up people! 

㉘Stew:So you’ve just asked a lot of incredibly pointed and very important questions who holds the answers to them. 

Karen:I don’t think there’s one individual.

Stew:Who do we need to start with?

Who should we ask? Who should we invite on this program, name names who knows the answers to some of these questions? 

㉙Karen: Well, the president of the company called Geo Vax who was licensed the patents for the spike protein, the mRNA technology in the lmps from Acutus.(9:00)

He actually put the royalty agreements together for all the big pharma’s  companies.

You can start with him, the CEO Geo Vax based in Georgia. I don’t have that document in front of me right now.

㉚Stew: Based in Georgia the United States of America.?

Karen:Yeah, Georgia.TheUnited States. It’s not the country.Yeah, Georgia. 

It’s based in Atlanta Georgia.

He actually won an award last year for the greatest CEO.

He’s the CEO of Geo Vax. It’s a holding company that’s primarily owned by Vanguard.(9:30)

So, you can get him on and ask him what these royalty agreements are for the spike proteins and the vaccines with various people. 

㉛I think you know,  everything he did also signed a contract within  the FDA prior to the products being submitted in the IND. 

So I think that’s a great place to start is with the CEO Geo Vax with their businesses.

㉜Stew:We’re gonna start there.

Here’s the open air Invitation, but we’re also going to send him a very personal invitation to appear on the show. 

Karen Kingston. Your work is absolutely unbelievable. All of these patents and everything that she just talked about, we’re going to have at StewPeters.com. 

㉝We don’t expect you to believe everything that Karen Kingston says, that’s why she brings receipts and she has been historically known for that and vindicated time after time after time. 

Karen Kingston, thank you so much. We appreciate it. 

Karen:Thanks for having me Stew.